Diary Dates for the Autumn Term 2023


Monday 13th Nov      – Anti-Bullying Week starts and Odd Socks Day

Thursday 16th Nov   – School Disco; EYFS/KS2 3.30-4.30pm / KS2 5.00-6.00pm

Friday 17th Nov         – Friendship Day and Children In Need Day

Tuesday 21st Nov      – Scholastic Half-Price Book Fair

Thurs 23rd Nov         – Year 4 start swimming

Monday 4th Dec        – Assessment Week in school

Thursday 7th Dec      – Stay and Play (Bumblebees 11.00am / Reception & Nursery 2.00pm)

Friday 8th Dec           – Christmas Jumper Day / Magic Mike for Reception & Y1/Y2

Tuesday 12th Dec      – Whole School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 13th Dec – 10.00am Rec – Y6 Scarborough Spa Panto

Thursday 14th Dec    – 1.30pm EYFS Afternoon Christmas Performance

Friday 15th Dec          – 9.30am EYFS Morning Christmas Performance

Diary Dates for The Spring Term 2024

Tues 30th Jan              – Year 2 to start swimming (7 sessions)

Tues 6th Feb                – Safer Internet Day 2024

Monday 12th Feb – Friday 16th Feb Half-Term

Mon 19th Feb                Winnie’s first visit to school

Thurs 29th Feb            – Year 4 East Barnby Parents meeting

Mon 4th March            – Bikeability for Year 5 starts

Thurs 7th March          – World Book Day

Mon 11th March          – Science Week in school

Mon 11th March          – Danceathon for Elsie

Fri 15th March             – Non Uniform Day for Easter egg donations

Mon 18th March          – Assessment Week

                                    -Gymnastics Festival in school

Thurs 21st March        -Easter Bingo

Fri 22nd March            -Parents Chat & Chill morning


Easter Holiday
Mon 25th March – Fri 5th April

Diary Dates for The Summer Term 2024

Mon 23rd April   – School photos

Mon 26th April    – Parents Chat & Chill morning

Wed 1st May       – Year 4 to East Barnby Residential

Mon 6th May      – May Bank Holiday

Fri 10th May         – Year 1 to Flamnigo Land

Mon 13th May    – Year 6 SATs Week

Tues 14th May    – Year 5 trip to Scampston Hall

Thurs 16th May – Bumblebees Stay and Play 11.00am

                             -Nursery and Reception Stay and Play 2.00pm

Mon 20th May    – Art Week in school

Thurs 23rd May – School Discos

                                                                                                   Half- Term Holiday

                                                                                       Mon 27th May – Fri 31st May

Mon 3rd June     –                     Children return to school

 Monday 3rd June –                  Art Week in School

Monday 10th June –                 Phonics Screening for Year 1

Wednesday 12th June –           Year 6 Residential to East Barnby

Tuesday 18th –                         Norton College Transition Day 1

Wednesday 19th June –           Norton College Transition Day 2

Thursday 20th June –               Year 3 & Year 4 Visit to Sledmere House

Monday 24th June –                 Year 3 visit to Murton Park

Tuesday 25th June –                Year 2 Trip to Filey Beach

Thursday 27th June –              Year 5 and Year 6 Careers Fair in school

Friday 28th June –                   Parents Chat & Chill

                                                  Year 6 Eden Camp Visit

Monday 1st July –                     Sports Day morning 9.00am onwards

                                                  Assessment Week in school

                                                  Filey School Parents Evening for Year 6

Tuesday 2nd July –                   Filey School Transition week – Tues 2nd – Thurs 4th July

Thursday 4th July –                 Year 1 Victorian School Day

                                                  New Reception Starters Parents Info meeting, 2.30pm

Wednesday 10th July –          Summer Fair

Friday 12th July –                     School Reports out to parents

Monday 15th July –                  KS2 Afternoon Performance 1.30pm

                                                  Parents Open Evening 3.30 – 5.30pm

Tuesday 16th July –                  KS2 Evening Performance 6.00pm

Wednesday 17th July –           Year 6 Crucial Crew visit, Scarborough

Friday 19th July –                     Last Day of Term

                                                   Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly 10.00am

                                                                           Summer Holidays

Monday 22nd July – Tuesday 3rd September

Wednesday 4th September –   Children Start Back at School