Modern Foreign Languages Policy (French)


At Hunmanby Primary School, we use the North Yorkshire Scheme of Work for French to deliver the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages to Years 3,4,5,& 6 (Key Stage 2).  The scheme of work is fun and creative and engages children with themes such as Food, Animals, Festivals, Me and My Family, Free Time and Holidays. Different aspects of the themes are repeated each year, with vocabulary, questions and conversations increasing in complexity as children progress through Key Stage 2. Children begin by responding to spoken French and move on to reading and writing in French as they become more advanced. Children are also taught the basic geography of France, as well some of the cultural similarities and differences (school, Easter and Christmas)


The knowledge and skills that children will learn and develop within each unit of work are mapped throughout the school to ensure progression.

French lessons are carefully planned and mapped out to ensure a broad and full range of skills and activities. Topics are re-visited in Key Stage 2 as a vocabulary refresher, and to give the children the opportunity to further develop their skills within a topic previously studied (e.g. two years prior).

Pupils will experience and develop a wide range of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills during their time at school. Throughout Key Stage 2, the children will be exposed to a wide variety of different topics such as basic greetings, transport, food and sports. Circumstances permitting, there is an opportunity across Key Stage 2 for children to take part in a French ice cream shop or have a breakfast café. This enables children to use everything they have learnt in a real life scenario.


Children’s attainment in MFL will be assessed at the end of each lesson as either, attained, partially attained or not attained. These results are inputted into Curriculum Maestro and at the end of the year the children will be assessed as working at, working towards or working below the standard. Teachers use Assessment for Learning during lessons to support and challenge children.