Welcome to the year 5 class page! We are taught by Mr. Pottage and our teaching assistant is Mrs Petch.

Mr. Pottage

Mrs. Petch
We will be learning through many fascinating topics this Autumn term. Here are just a few of them:
History – The Shang Dynasty
Geography – Investigating Our World
Science – Forces and Mechanisms / Earth and Space
Computing – Vector Graphics / Video Production
Art – Tints, Tones and Shades / Taotie
Music – Living on a Prayer / Classroom Jazz
DT – Moving Mechanisms
P.E. – invasion games, gymnastics and basketball
Each week, we will have a set of words to learn for spelling, which we must practice in our book and get signed. Each Friday, we will have our spelling test.
Homework is set on Friday and handed back by the following Wednesday. It will alternate between maths and literacy.
We should aim to read at least five times a week, we should keep our reading diary up to date and ask an adult to sign it. Remember to carry reading books and diaries between school and home in our book bags.
We look forward to having lots of fun through our broad and rich curriculum.