Our teacher is Mr Rix.

Mr Rix

Welcome to Year 6. This year, we have a brand new curriculum called Curriculum 22. Most subjects are covered through this. Maths will be taught through White Rose as usual. Mrs Collier Woods will be in two afternoons per week and of course Mr Ellis will be here on a Monday as normal, teaching PE. The class are supported this year by Mrs Adams. 

We will be doing lots of brilliant topics this year including: Maafa, Frozen Kingdoms and Britain at War. They sound great don’t they, and all courtesy of our fab new curriculum…CURRICULUM MAESTRO 22!!!!!

We will be learning spellings every Monday to Friday through Rising Stars Spelling and the children need to bring their spelling book to these lessons and learn their given spellings at home.

Homework is set on Friday and handed back by the following Tuesday. It will alternate between maths and literacy.

The children will be expected to read regularly, and learn their spellings as well. Year 6 is a tough year at the best of times, but after missing half of year 3 and almost a term of year 4 we must work really hard to catch up and reach our potential.