Butterflies Nursery Teachers / Butterflies Teaching Assistants
Butterflies Nursery staff are looking forward to welcoming you and your children to our class. We have set up our classroom for the children to have fun while learning in a safe environment. We have a construction area, home corner role play area, small world play including a dolls house, cars and train track. We also have a reading den, mark making area, sand, painting and playdough areas. We also do lots of learning outdoors in our lovely outside area.
Our session times are 8.45am to 11.45am and 12.15 to 3.10pm.
Children will be welcomed at the Nursery door when they arrive, and enter independently. They will be registered and if staying for lunch will be given the days choices. Pack lunches will be collected in the box at the door. The children will then be given the opportunity to go to play at their chosen activities in the classroom. We have a short class learning together time – for activities such as encouraging Communication and Language, getting to know each other, Literacy and Maths. The children may then choose to play in Butterflies, outdoors or in the Ladybirds Reception classroom. Every day we share a story together. Children will exit from the Butterflies classroom door again at the end of their session to meet their parent.
We have a fun PE session on Friday mornings so children wear sporty clothes and trainers for school on a Friday.
We will be learning a varied curriculum, with a good focus on the Prime Areas of Learning which are communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and physical development.
Autumn Term 2024
Our learning this half term is focused on Once Upon a Time’ , followed by ‘Sparkle and Shine’ . We will support the children’s love of stories and reading, encouraging the children to learn, retell and act out familiar stories. We will look at the celebrations that take place in Autumn and Winter and focus on the symbolism and significance of light at this time of year. In mathematic sessions we will be singing number rhymes, counting and matching objects.
Our second half term we will be enjoying learning about ‘Starry Night’ followed by ‘Winter Wonderland’ . We will explore the differences between the world at night compared to during the day. Will look at changes that happen during winter, including the weather. We are looking forward to some exciting learning over the next few months